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Pre-registration, Reporting Guidelines and Publication Patterns in Economics

Study ID sspp-2024-0036-v1

General Details

Project Publication Bias
Study ID sspp-2024-0036-v1
Study Title Pre-registration, Reporting Guidelines and Publication Patterns in Economics
Authors Fernando Hoces de la Guardia, Edward Miguel, Viviane Silva da Rocha, Gufran Pathan, Erik O. Sørensen, Bertil Tungodden
Completion Time 10 Minutes
Close Date (UTC) Dec. 6, 2024
Discipline Economics
Field Experimental Economics
Country Global (>10 countries)
Our team developed an approach to standardize and record the hypotheses of studies registered in the American Economic Association (AEA) RCT Registry. We apply this approach to the registration of hundreds of studies in the AEA Registry between 2015 and 2017, which corresponds to thousands of hypotheses. For each hypothesis, we search for the corresponding results in the published literature, publicly available working papers, and other research reports. This study is among the largest follow-up studies in economics aimed at measuring publication bias and selective reporting, and is novel in that it focuses on results at the research hypothesis level. Our innovative approach to standardized reporting of research results in economics – a practice already widely used in other fields, including medicine and public health – could be of interest to journals, funders, and professional associations. We are collecting data on researchers’ predictions of results availability for research hypotheses in each study to see if our findings are in line with current beliefs.

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Guardia, Fernando Hoces de la, Miguel, Edward, Rocha, Viviane Silva da, Pathan, Gufran, Sørensen, Erik O., and Bertil Tungodden. 2024. "Pre-registration, Reporting Guidelines and Publication Patterns in Economics." Social Science Prediction Platform. September 27.

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