Terms of Use
December 2021For Forecasters
- We are committed to protecting the privacy and accuracy of your confidential information to the extent possible, subject to provisions of California state and U.S. federal law. Other than for research purposes as defined in the Informed Consent Statement(s) provided by those eliciting predictions from you, or as required by laws that guarantee public access to certain types of information, or in response to subpoenas or other legal instruments that authorize access, personally-identifiable information is not actively shared. In particular, we do not re-distribute or sell personal information collected on this website.
- By using this service, you affirm that you are 18 years of age or older.
- Your participation and sharing of personal information on this website is voluntary, and you can opt-out at any time by deleting your account. Note that if you opt out, you will not be able to use the site to contribute forecasts or access your past predictions.
- Should you delete your account, we will delete all personal information you have provided. We will request that all elicitors who have downloaded your data delete it, but cannot guarantee they will do so.
- In the interest of fostering constructive conversations around research designs and predictions, we will not tolerate harassment, bullying, or disparaging remarks made on this platform. We also ask that you refrain from such behavior when discussing projects participating on this platform on external sites, such as social media platforms.
- By creating an account, you also agree to properly cite or attribute credit of major ideas to project authors outside of this platform, i.e., you agree to abstain from the practice know as 'scooping'.
Information collected
- We collect personal information such as your (i) username, (ii) email address, (iii) academic background (Please select "yes" if you are currently one of the following: {Graduate student (Master level or PhD), Faculty, Post-doc, Non-academic researcher}), (iv) if yes: Institution, discipline, title, field, (v) if no: sector, type or organization, educational attainment (vi) email and forecast frequency preferences. for research and administrative purposes. We collect this information through the “Sign Up” form you will fill out and submit.
- Web servers typically collect, at least temporarily, the following information: Internet Protocol (IP) address of computer being used; web pages requested; referring web page; browser used; date and time. We may collect statistics identifying particular IP addresses from which our websites are accessed.
Use of collected information
- Your de-identified personal information will be shared with the projects to which you contribute forecasts, in addition to us and other users who have signed up for an account. For surveys that allow it, you may opt in to non-anonymity. You may be interested in contributing forecasts connected to identified personal information to receive payment incentives (for applicable surveys) or so that you may cite these individual forecasts and share however you like.
- We use the personal information collected from this website for research purposes. You can opt out of this by deleting your account.
- We may also use it for the purpose of future communication to keep you informed of research projects that are eliciting forecasts. You can opt out of this at any time by unsubscribing through your “profile.”
- We use Google Analytics with GDPR-compliant settings for general site monitoring. You may opt out of this tracking at any time by activating the “Do Not Track” setting in your browser.
- We encrypt and store your data in a password protected location.
- We may use browser-IP-address information and anonymous-browser history to report information about site accesses. This information is generally used to improve Web presentation and utilization. The campus also may use IP address information for troubleshooting purposes.
Distribution of collected information
- Your de-identified personal information will be shared with the projects to which you contribute forecasts, in addition to us and other users who have signed up for an account. You may opt in to non-anonymization (for all or some of the projects to which you contribute forecasts) by using an anonymous link provided by project investigators. One reason you may be interested in contributing forecasts connected to fully identified personal information is that you may cite these individual forecasts and share however you like.
- We will not disclose, without your consent, personal information collected about you, except for the purposes described above, and for certain explicit circumstances in which disclosure is required by law.
- We will not distribute or sell personal information to third-party organizations.
Access to own information
- Questions regarding users’ rights to review, modify, transfer, restrict the processing of or delete their previously provided personal information should be directed to support@socialscienceprediction.org. Any disputes will be resolved under existing records regulations applicable to UC Berkeley.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- If you are accessing this site from a country that is a member of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EAA), the processing of your Personal Data is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We comply with the requirements of GDPR. For information regarding your rights under GDPR and/or UC Berkeley’s compliance with the requirements of GDPR, refer to the UC Berkeley Privacy Office’s GDPR site (link is external); or contact the UC Berkeley Privacy office: privacyoffice@berkeley.edu (link sends e-mail) or (510) 664-7775.
For Elicitors
- We are committed to protecting the privacy and accuracy of your confidential information to the extent possible, subject to provisions of California state and U.S. federal law. Other than for the purposes of enabling you to display project information necessary for forecast contributors to make informed predictions, or as required by laws that guarantee public access to certain types of information, or in response to subpoenas or other legal instruments that authorize access, personally-identifiable information is not actively shared. In particular, we do not re-distribute or sell personal information collected on this website.
- Your participation and sharing of personal information on this website is voluntary, and you can opt-out at any time by deleting your account. Note that if you opt out, you will not be able to use the site to create or manage projects.
- By agreeing to these Terms of Use, you affirm that you have obtained IRB approval from your own institution (if necessary) before creating a project on this platform to collect predictions.
- By creating an account, you also agree to properly cite or attribute credit of major ideas to project authors outside of this platform, i.e., you agree to abstain from the practice know as 'scooping'.
Information collected
- We collect personal information such as your name, contact information including your e-mail address, position, institutional affiliation, and field for research and administrative purposes. We collect this information through the “Sign Up” form you will fill out and submit.
- Web servers typically collect, at least temporarily, the following information: Internet Protocol (IP) address of computer being used; web pages requested; referring web page; browser used; date and time. We may collect statistics identifying particular IP addresses from which our websites are accessed.
Use of collected information
- We use the personal information collected from this website for research purposes. You can opt out of this by deleting your account.
- We may also use it for the purpose of future communication to keep you informed of opportunities to access forecast-related payment incentives for your own research projects. You can opt out of this at any time by unsubscribing through your “profile.”
- We use Google Analytics with GDPR-compliant settings for general site monitoring. You may opt out of this tracking at any time by activating the “Do Not Track” setting in your browser.
- We encrypt and store your data in a password protected location.
- We may use browser-IP-address information and anonymous-browser history to report information about site accesses. This information is generally used to improve Web presentation and utilization. The campus also may use IP address information for troubleshooting purposes.
Distribution of collected information
- Your name will be displayed on projects for which you are eliciting forecasts. You may also elect to display other personal information such as contact information. Only we and forecast contributors who have created an account will be able to see these.
- We will not disclose, without your consent, personal information collected about you, except for the purposes described above, and for certain explicit circumstances in which disclosure is required by law.
- We will not distribute or sell personal information to third-party organizations.
Access to own information
- Questions regarding users’ rights to review, modify, transfer, restrict the processing of, or delete their previously provided personal information should be directed to support@socialscienceprediction.org. Any disputes will be resolved under existing records regulations applicable to UC Berkeley.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- If you are accessing this site from a country that is a member of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EAA), the processing of your Personal Data is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We comply with the requirements of GDPR. For information regarding your rights under GDPR and/or UC Berkeley’s compliance with the requirements of GDPR, refer to the UC Berkeley Privacy Office’s GDPR site (link is external); or contact the UC Berkeley Privacy office: privacyoffice@berkeley.edu (link sends e-mail) or (510) 664-7775.