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Predicting Prolific Opinions

Study ID sspp-2022-0001-v1

General Details

Project Predicting Prolific Opinions
Study ID sspp-2022-0001-v1
Study Title Predicting Prolific Opinions
Authors Linnea Gandhi, Ben Manning, Angela Duckworth, Daniel Kahneman
Completion Time 5 Minutes
Close Date March 31, 2022
Discipline Psychology
Field Behavioral Science
Country Online (limited countries)
Thank you for your interest in this research! If you choose to participate, you will be asked to provide your predictions about Prolific Workers' opinions of a set of everyday people, objects, or experiences.

Incentive Details

Incentive Type Flat rate for participation
Incentive Size $10.00
Recipient Pool Incentives are lottery-based
Lottery Percentage 5.0%

Gandhi, Linnea, Manning, Ben, Duckworth, Angela, and Daniel Kahneman. 2022. "Predicting Prolific Opinions." Social Science Prediction Platform. February 5.