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ProjectCombatting COVID-19 in Mozambique Study IDsspp-2020-0018-v1 Study Title
Combatting COVID-19 in Mozambique AuthorsJames Allen IV, Arlete Mahumane, James Riddell IV, Tanya Rosenblat, Dean Yang, Hang Yu. Completion Time15 Minutes Close Date (UTC)Jan. 31, 2021 DisciplineEconomics FieldDevelopment Economics CountryPhone Survey in Mozambique Abstract We are seeking expert predictions on the effects of our interventions in the following study:
We seek to support the Mozambican COVID-19 response by following up on a study sample of a trial in Mozambique. Sample households were contacted by phone and administered several rounds of surveys regarding COVID-19 knowledge, beliefs, and behavior. We randomized novel over-the-phone interventions to test if we could encourage social distancing by accelerating changes in community norms and improve knowledge about COVID-19 via incentives and tailored feedback.
Human subjects review: #HUM00191506 at the University of Michigan.
Forecast Distributions
When uploading forecasting surveys, authors are asked to select several key questions which are often the questions they think are the most important to the study.
IV, James Allen, Mahumane, Arlete, IV, James Riddell, Rosenblat, Tanya, Yang, Dean, and Hang Yu.. 2020. "Combatting COVID-19 in Mozambique." Social Science Prediction Platform. November 23. https://socialscienceprediction.org/s/dx4zec