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Ghana Financial Incentives Trial Wave II: Spillover and Tuberculosis Screening

Study ID sspp-2024-0011-v1

General Details

Project Ghana Financial Incentives Trial Wave II: Spillover and Tuberculosis Screening
Study ID sspp-2024-0011-v1
Study Title Ghana Financial Incentives Trial Wave II: Spillover and Tuberculosis Screening
Authors Raymond Duch
Completion Time 10 Minutes
Close Date May 17, 2024
Discipline Economics
Field Behavioral Economics
Country Ghana
The Wave I Ghana Financial Incentive trial confirmed that financial incentives have a positive effect on COVID-19 vaccine intentions, reported vaccination status and verified vaccination status. Wave II provides an opportunity to understand whether this financial incentive effect generalizes to other types of health behavior: Does a similar financial incentive design with tuberculosis screening produce similar positive results? The Wave I trial was designed to identify any spillover effects across treatment arms or on untreated individuals within treated communities. We found no evidence of negative spillover effects of cash incentives on individuals who received no cash compensations. An unanswered question is whether the financial incentives affect within-subject behavior. Wave II examines the willingness of those who received financial incentives in the initial TB screening treatment to adopt similar preventative health behaviors six months later. Wave II is also designed to evaluate the relative impact of financial incentives compared to simple informational reminders. The current study is a pilot for Wave II,

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Raymond Duch. 2024. "Ghana Financial Incentives Trial Wave II: Spillover and Tuberculosis Screening." Social Science Prediction Platform. April 11.

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