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Effect of Shelter Program on Refugee Wellbeing

Study ID sspp-2020-0008-v1

General Details

Project The Syrian Refugee Life Study
Study ID sspp-2020-0008-v1
Study Title Effect of Shelter Program on Refugee Wellbeing
Authors Samuel Leone, Edward Miguel, Sandra Rozo, Emma Smith
Completion Time 15 Minutes
Close Date (UTC) Oct. 30, 2020
Discipline Economics
Field Development Economics
Country Jordan
Since the Syrian civil war broke out in 2011, the international community has struggled to respond to the resulting refugee crisis in a way that provides for refugees’ and host communities’ long-term needs. As a result, many non-profits and intergovernmental organizations have begun implementing programs that support both the refugees and host communities. As part of a larger study on Syrian refugee welfare in Jordan, our team is conducting a randomized control trial (RCT) that evaluates the effectiveness of one such program. The Norwegian Refugee Council’s Urban Shelter Program subsidizes housing for Syrian refugees through the renovation of Jordanian-owned properties in exchange for lower rents for refugees. Our study will use a broad range of outcomes to discern the mechanisms by which providing stable shelter access may improve recipients’ economic welfare, as well as their physical and mental health. These findings could have major implications for the design of similar programs, and of public policies that foster refugee integration and reduce persistent socio-economic and health inequalities.

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Leone, Samuel, Miguel, Edward, Rozo, Sandra, and Emma Smith. 2020. "Effect of Shelter Program on Refugee Wellbeing." Social Science Prediction Platform. August 31.

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