About Us
Principal Investigators
Stefano DellaVigna
Stefano DellaVigna is a Professor at UC Berkeley and is a co-editor at the American Economic Review. He has been involved in projects with collaborator Devin Pope directly studying expert forecasts from the lens of behavioral economics.
Eva Vivalt
Eva Vivalt is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Toronto. She is involved in on-going research collaborations with the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank involving the collection of predictions from government officials, development practitioners, and researchers.
Advisory Board
Anna Dreber Almenberg
Johan Björkman Professor of Economics at the Stockholm School of Economics
Donald Green
J.W. Burgess Professor of Political Science at Columbia University
Larry Katz
Elisabeth Allison Professor of Economics at Harvard University
Betsy Levy Paluck
Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs at Princeton University
David McKenzie
Lead Economist of the Development Research Group at the World Bank
Edward Miguel
Oxfam Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics at University of California, Berkeley
Brian Nosek
Executive Director of the Center for Open Science and Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia
Devin Pope
Professor of Behavioral Science and Robert King Steel Faculty Fellow at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Philip Tetlock
Annenberg University Professor, School of Arts and Sciences (Psychology) and Wharton School (Management) at the University of Pennsylvania
Nicholas Otis
Graduate Student Researcher
Grace Han
BITSS Program Manager
Gary Menezes
Software Engineer
Leo Dai
Research Assistant
Kevin Didi
Research Assistant
Malek Hassouneh
Research Assistant
Rohan Jha
Research Assistant
Affiliated Organizations
University of Toronto
Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences
Center for Effective Global Action