The Purpose page provides a better look at the reasons why it would be helpful to have a common platform researchers can use to gather predictions as to the effects their studies will find.

There are many existing prediction markets. We think there is value in each approach but want to focus on getting independent estimates from different agents. In a prediction market, respondents would be able to view each other's best guesses before making their own prediction, and this could lead to biases.

This project is generously supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (grant number G-2019-12325) and an anonymous foundation.

The SSPP is free of charge for everyone! Users can both take surveys and post surveys at no cost.

We welcome submissions of new forecasting surveys. If you have questions about developing your forecasting survey, you can email us here.

The platform code is not currently available to the public, but the team is preparing the code for this purpose and aims to ultimately be able to publish it.

The data collected by the SSPP is not currently available to the public, but the team is working to create a clean, downloadable dataset and aims to achieve this within the next 2-3 years.

The SSPP is led by PIs Stefano DellaVigna (UC Berkeley) and Eva Vivalt (University of Toronto). Together with the rest of the SSPP team, they meet weekly to discuss project updates, as they pertain to new and existing surveys on the platform, platform development, events, funding, and other project management matters.
The SSPP Advisory Board meets annually and provides higher-level strategic guidance for the SSPP.

The SSPP is managed by the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS), which is an initiative of the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA), headquartered at UC Berkeley. Visit CEGA’s website for more information about our mission, values, and statement on diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice.